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国外原版青少剧集推介丨第005期 猫和老鼠 英文版161集
Can国外原版青少剧集推介丨第005期 猫和老鼠 英文版161集
Cats and Mice Dream? As creatures of the night, cats and mice are often active when the rest of the world is sleeping. This leads many people to wonder if these animals are capable of dreaming during their periods of rest. While the exact answer is difficult to determine, there is evidence to suggest that both cats and mice can indeed dream. Studies on cats have shown that they experience the same stages of sleep as humans, including rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when dreams occur. During REM sleep, a cat's whiskers and paws may twitch, indicating that they are in a state of deep sleep and potentially having vivid dreams. Similarly, studies on mice have shown that they also experience REM sleep and exhibit signs of dreaming during this stage. Researchers have even been able to observe and study the brain waves of dreaming mice using electrodes. So, while we may not know exactly what cats and mice are dreaming about, it seems likely that they are capable of having dreams like humans do. It's important to note, however, that the dreams of cats and mice are likely different from our own. While humans may dream about complex scenarios and emotions, it's unlikely that animals experience the same level of complexity in their dreams. Overall, the question of whether cats and mice can dream demonstrates the fascinating complexity and diversity of the animal kingdom. Understanding the sleeping and dreaming patterns of these creatures can help us better appreciate and care for the world around us.猫和老鼠,做梦VS现实3看完感动


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